Friday, December 11, 2020

January 2021 Goal Setting

 Happy New Year!

We will be learning about how to set goals.  I will read the story A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams.  Here is a link to the story:

In this story a girl and her family set a goal to save money for something very important, a chair. The family's house caught on fire and they lost everything. The mother, grandmother and little girl work hard to fill a jar by saving all the money they can. When the jar gets full, they go look for the perfect chair! Other family members and friends help them with a lot of other things they need for their new home. Finally, they find the perfect chair, they buy it with the money they saved and they enjoy taking turns sitting in it once they get it home.

A goal is something you want to work hard for. What was the goal in this story? What kind of goals do you have? What do you want that you will work hard for? At school? At home? A sport? A game? A toy? Reading? Math?

Let's set some goals!

Mrs, Daniel, PRES Counselor

Monday, December 7, 2020

December 2020 Conflict Resolution


This month we are continuing to learn how to problem solve.  I am reading the book Enemy Pie by Derek Munson.  Do you know what an enemy is?  An enemy can be someone you don't like...maybe because they were mean to you, did not invite you somewhere, called you a name other than your name, lied to you, wouldn't let you play with them, etc. 

Here is the link to the book:

In this story, Jeremy Ross was the enemy.  He laughed at me when he struck me out in the baseball game and did not invite the boy to his trampoline party.  The boy's dad told him to spend the whole day with his enemy and be nice to him.  The boy's dad made a pie for his enemy so at the end of the day, Jeremy ate dinner with the boy and his father.  The boy did not know what enemy pie did to enemies. But, after spending the whole day with Jeremy Ross, he was no longer the boys enemy.  When the dad served up enemy pie to the boys, the boy tried to stop Jeremy from eating the bad pie.  Then after seeing his dad and Jeremy eating the pie and nothing happening, he realized it was just plain old pie!  The boy learned to be friends with his enemy after spending the whole day with him and being nice!  

Golden Rule:  Treat others the way you want to be treated...just be nice no matter what!

Other problem solving strategies:

  • talk it out (tell them what you do not like and ask them to PLEASE STOP)
  • take a break (balloon breathing, listen to music, play a game, read a book, put a puzzle together, color, paint, etc.)
  • ignore (don't look, don't talk, and don't listen)
  • walk away (find someone else to play with, something else to do or play  by yourself)
  • apologize (say I'm sorry even if it is an accident)
  •  take turns or share
Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor 

Monday, November 16, 2020

November 2020

Welcome November!

This week we are reading Don't Squeal Unless It's A Big Deal by Jeanie Franz Ransom.  We are continuing our lesson on being a problem-solver.

Here is the link to the story:

Remember- we can handle small problems on our own by:

  • talking it out
  • walking away
  • ignoring
  • taking a break
  • sharing/taking turns
  • apologizing...even if it is an accident
  • being kind

Remember-a BIG problems need an adult, for example:

  • you or someone else is getting hurt
  • you or someone else is being threatened
  • a pet or animal is being hurt
  • someone is damaging something that doesn't belong to them
***then you get help from a grown-up (someone you know and trust)

Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Monday, October 26, 2020

Red Ribbon Week

Maria Wears Her Thinking Cap 

Red Ribbon Week

October  2020

Maria, Tom and Jenny were all friends at PRES.  They were all in the same class at school.  It was Red Ribbon Week at school and they were all learning about medicine and other drugs.  They were learning to say “NO” to drugs!

One day, they were going out to play on the playground at recess.  While on the playground, Maria found a little brown bottle on the ground with little red candies inside it.  She picked it up and Tom said, “Let’s try some.”  Maria said, “I don’t think that is a good idea.”   Jenny said, “But, we can try just one.”  Again, Maria said, “No, we might get sick or something.” 

Then Maria said,  “I have an idea, let’s take it to Mrs. White.  She’ll know just what to do.”  So, Maria picked the bottle up and took it to Mrs. White.  Mrs. White looked at the bottle very carefully and said, “Did you open this bottle?”  Maria, Tom and Jenny looked at each other and said, “No, we did not know what  was inside.”  Mrs. White said, “That was a very good idea!”  Maria said, “ It looks like medicine or something.”  Mrs. White said, “I  am glad Maria was wearing her thinking cap.”  Maria handed the bottle to Mrs. White and Mrs. White said, “I know just what to do!”  

The next day, Mrs. White gathered the class and showed them the bottle with the little red candies inside.  She told them about what Maria, Tom and Jenny had done by bringing the bottle to her.  Mrs. White told the class, “If you find something and you do not know what it is, to give it to a grown-up.  Someone you know and trust.  Medicine and other drugs can be dangerous, especially for children!

Talk to the learners about:

  • Finding things (especially, if they do not know what it is or if it looks like medicine/ candy)  and giving it to a grown-up.  Someone they know and trust!

  • Do not take things (like candy) from strangers, unless a grown-up they know and trust says it is ok

  • Do not take medicine by yourself!!! Take medicine only from grown-ups you know and trust

  • Medicine and other drugs should be kept away from children in a locked cabinet and out of reach from children

  • Trusted adults are:  your mom, your dad, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, babysitter, friend’s parent, school nurse when you are at school

  • The Alabama Poison Information Center at Children's of Alabama1-800-222-1222


Monday, October 12, 2020

Problem Solving


The Recess Queen

Bullying/Problem Solving Strategies

October 2020

Welcome Back!  

I am reading The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neil.  In this story, the recess queen (Mean Jean) is super bossy at recess.  She will not let anyone play until she tells them what to do.  She will hurt the kids at recess by hitting, kicking, punching and knock kids down.  She does not say she is sorry or try to help them up.  She does it on purpose!  She has no one to play with or talk to because everyone tries to stay away or fun from her.  Then a new kid, Katie Sue comes to school and plays at recess before Mean Jean can tell her what to do which makes Mean Jean angry.  So, Mean Jean is after Katie Sue to teach her a lesson but Katie Sue invites Mean Jean to jump rope with her.  Mean Jean is confused by Katie Sue and doesn't know how to respond to Katie Sue.  But, a girl encourages Mean Jean to play with Katie Sue and they become friends.  Now, Mean Jean is not mean because she has a friend.  Here is a link to the story:

Remember to always be kind and treat others the way you want to be treated.  Here are some ways to problem solve like Katie Sue:

For small problems:

  • walk away
  • ignore
  • take turns or share
  • communicate by talking it out/asking 2 times to please stop
  • take a break
  • apologize
For BIG problems like:
  • someone being threatened (Bullying)
  • someone being hurt (Fighting)
  • any emergency (kidnapping)

Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September 2020 Kindness

 Hello Again!

This week, we are reading What If Everybody Did That?  by Ellen Javernick.  Here is the link:

This book is about how you affect others by what you do and say. It makes you think about different situations.  Think about...What if everybody did that?  If you want to do it, everybody else is probably thinking about doing it too.

For example:  

  • breaking rules can hurt you or someone else 
  • not taking care of your belongings can create a mess and/or you can loose things that belong to you
  •  not taking care of yourself can make others not want to be around you
  • making a bad choice can get you in trouble or make others upset with you
  • being rude can make others upset, also
But, being kind, respectful, helpful, encouraging, caring, friendly and following the rules keeps others and yourself safe!

Remember...Kindness is contagious!!!  Spread Kindness!!

Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

September 2020 Perseverance


We are going to read the dot by Peter H. Reynolds because September 15th is International Dot Day.  Each specials Lead Learner is doing something special with dot this week.  Here is the link to the story:

This book is about a girl that doesn't think she can draw.  She sits in art class and does absolutely nothing until her teacher encourages her.  Once Vashti puts an angry dot her paper, her teacher tells her to sign the paper.  When Vashti signs it, she takes ownership over her artwork.  When she returns to art class the next week and sees her dot in a gold frame, she realizes she can do better.  Vashti becomes very imaginative and creates lots of different dots.  A little boy is impressed with all Vashti's dots displayed in the art show and makes the comment that he wishes he could draw like Vashti.  Vashti encourages the boy to draw a straight line and then makes him sign it.

I hope you will try to encourage others when you see or hear them having difficulty with something. And, remember you can do anything when you put forth a little effort or put your mind to it!  Once you take ownership (sign your name) over something, you will want to improve.  Everyone has to start somewhere!!!

Mrs. Daniel

PRES, Counselor

Thursday, September 10, 2020

September 2020 Being Kind


Good Day Friends!

This week, we are reading What Does It Mean to Be Kind? by Rana DiOrio.  This book tells us what it means to be kind.  Here is the link to the story:

Being kind means  you are being nice to others.  Can you give some examples of being kind?

Some examples of being kind are:  being respectful, polite, forgiving, caring, helpful, patient, using manners, encouraging others, giving compliments.

I encourage you to treat others with kindness at home, at school and in your community.  So, make a list of ways that you can show kindness at home, at school and in your community.

Remember to spread kindness and treat others the way you want to be treated!


Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

September 2020 Getting Along

Hey PRES friends!

This week, we are reading Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler!  by Margery Cuyler.  This is similar to last week's story.   Here is the story online:

In this story, Mrs. Ruler's learners are not always kind.  They are jumpy and grumpy!  They are being mean and bothering each other.  So, Mrs. Ruler gives them an assignment to show acts of kindness to their family.  Then she has them show acts of kindness at school and in their community. The learners soon end up with 100 acts of kindness!  Once you start showing kindness, it easily spreads! Being kind is easier than you think!!!

What is kindness? 

What are some example of things you do that are kind?

Give some examples of being kind to your family members, your friends, and others:  taking out the trash, cleaning your room, putting books/toys on the shelf, feeding your pet, saying something nice to someone, donating books/clothes, toys/etc.

I challenge you to show kindness to your family, your friends and others.

I hope you enjoyed this story and lesson!  Be Kind!!!


Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 2020 Academic Success

 Happy September!

This week we will focus on following directions.  For our lesson this week, I will read Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard.  Here is  a link to the story:

In this story, Miss Nelson's learners were not following directions and Miss Nelson was so frustrated and sad that she decided not to come to school.  The learners were talking to each other, laughing and giggling, copying each other, waving their hands and feet in the air and refusing to do their school work. So, when Miss Nelson decided not to come to school a new teacher came named Ms. Viola Swamp and she was really mean!  Ms. Swamp gave them lots of work to do at school and home.  The learners decided to go look for Miss Nelson but could not find her.  When Miss Nelson decided to come back to school the learners were very excited and ready to follow directions!  They sat with still bodies, legs criss-cross apple sauce, hands in their laps, mouth closed, eyes looking and ears listening.  They would be respectful to each other by raising their hand when they wanted to say something.  Now, Miss Nelson was able to do her job and teach and that made her very happy!  By the end of the story, we learned that Miss Nelson had dressed up and pretended to be Ms. Viola Swamp so she could teach her learners a lesson about being respectful and the importance of following directions.  

I hope you enjoyed the story and learned a valuable lesson!


Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

August 2020 Meet the Counselor

My name is Mrs. Daniel and I am the school counselor at Pike Road Elementary School!  I am excited about seeing you all again this year!  Our August lesson is about the role of a school counselor.  I will use Mrs. Potato Head to introduce the lesson.

Mrs. Potato Head and the school counselor have a lot of things in common.  

  • The school counselor uses her eyes like Mrs. Potato Head to look out for you.  One of my jobs is to make sure you are safe.  So, I am always looking out for you!
  • The school counselor uses her ears to listen to you!  I listen to your stories, problems and secrets.  I can keep a lot of secrets but there are only 3 secrets I can not keep.

                   The 3 secrets I can not keep are:

           1.) If you tell me you are going to hurt yourself

          2.) If you tell me some else is going to hurt you or is hurting                      you

          3.) If You tell me you are going to hurt someone or are                          hurting someone else

  • The school counselor uses her mouth like Mrs. Potato Head to talk to you about your stories, problems and secrets.  The school counselor provides problem solving strategies, when applicable.
  • The school counselor used her hands and arms like Mrs. Potato Head to show you she cares about you.  The school counselor might give you a high five, fist bump, wave, thumbs up, etc. to show you she cares about you!
  • The school counselor uses her feet like Mrs. Potato Head to walk to you.  If you need to see the school counselor, please tell your Lead Learner.  The Lead Learner will send the school counselor an email to let her know where you are so she can come get you as soon as possible.  Do you have to share your story, problem or secret with your Lead Learner?  No!  Just tell your Lead Learner that it is important that you see the school counselor.  
  • The school counselor has many important resources like Mrs. Potato Head does in her purse.  The school counselor has resources for the learners, lead learners, parent(s)/guardian(s) and those in our community.  So, if you need help in any way, please let the school counselor know.
I am looking forward to meeting you and getting to know each of you this year at PRES!


Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Friday, January 10, 2020

Topic: Goal Setting

In January, we are working on setting goals. Goals are what we want