Monday, September 27, 2021

September 2021

 Happy September!

This week we will focus on following directions.  For our lesson this week, I will read Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard.  Here is  a link to the story:

In this story, Miss Nelson's learners were not following directions and Miss Nelson was so frustrated and sad that she decided not to come to school.  The learners were talking to each other, laughing and giggling, copying each other, waving their hands and feet in the air and refusing to do their school work. So, when Miss Nelson decided not to come to school a new teacher came named Ms. Viola Swamp and she was really mean!  Ms. Swamp gave them lots of work to do at school and home.  The learners decided to go look for Miss Nelson but could not find her.  When Miss Nelson decided to come back to school the learners were very excited and ready to follow directions!  They sat with still bodies, legs criss-cross apple sauce, hands in their laps, mouth closed, eyes looking and ears listening.  They would be respectful to each other by raising their hand when they wanted to say something.  Now, Miss Nelson was able to do her job and teach and that made her very happy!  By the end of the story, we learned that Miss Nelson had dressed up and pretended to be Ms. Viola Swamp so she could teach her learners a lesson about being respectful and the importance of following directions.  

I hope you enjoyed the story and learned a valuable lesson!


Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Monday, September 13, 2021

August 2021 Counseling Newsletter

 My name is Mrs. Daniel and I am the school counselor at Pike Road Elementary School!  I am excited about seeing you all again this year!  Please fill out the Counseling an Guidance Survey using this link:

Our August lesson is about the role of a school counselor.  I will use Mrs. Potato Head to introduce the lesson.

Mrs. Potato Head and the school counselor have a lot of things in common.  

  • The school counselor uses her eyes like Mrs. Potato Head to look out for you.  One of my jobs is to make sure you are safe.  So, I am always looking out for you!
  • The school counselor uses her ears to listen to you!  I listen to your stories, problems and secrets.  I can keep a lot of secrets but there are only 3 secrets I can not keep.

                   The 3 secrets I can not keep are:

           1.) If you tell me you are going to hurt yourself

          2.) If you tell me some else is going to hurt you or is hurting                      you

          3.) If You tell me you are going to hurt someone or are                          hurting someone else

  • The school counselor uses her mouth like Mrs. Potato Head to talk to you about your stories, problems and secrets.  The school counselor provides problem solving strategies, when applicable.
  • The school counselor used her hands and arms like Mrs. Potato Head to show you she cares about you.  The school counselor might give you a high five, fist bump, wave, thumbs up, etc. to show you she cares about you!
  • The school counselor uses her feet like Mrs. Potato Head to walk to you.  If you need to see the school counselor, please tell your Lead Learner.  The Lead Learner will send the school counselor an email to let her know where you are so she can come get you as soon as possible.  Do you have to share your story, problem or secret with your Lead Learner?  No!  Just tell your Lead Learner that it is important that you see the school counselor.  
  • The school counselor has many important resources like Mrs. Potato Head does in her purse.  The school counselor has resources for the learners, lead learners, parent(s)/guardian(s) and those in our community.  So, if you need help in any way, please let the school counselor know.
I am looking forward to meeting you and getting to know each of you this year at PRES!

I have an intern, Mrs, Hudson from Troy University.  

Welcome! My name is Molly-Kate Hudson and I am the Pike Road Elementary School Counseling Intern this fall. This is my 2nd year at Pike Road Schools. My first year was spent at Pike Road High School assisting the School Counselor as an Intern. This year, I have the privilege to be at the elementary school as well as the Intervention teacher at Pike Road High School. 

I am originally from Troy, Alabama and recently moved to Pike Road. I am newly married to my husband, Chandler Hudson. We are happy to be a part of the Pike Road family!

I look forward to working and learning from Mrs. Daniels this year.  I hope to be able to get to know each of you and help any way I can.  Please know that I am here to make you the best person you can be! Let’s have an awesome school year.

Many Thanks,


Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor