Tuesday, November 30, 2021

December 2021 Newsletter


This month we are continuing to learn how to problem solve.  I am reading the book Enemy Pie by Derek Munson.  Do you know what an enemy is?  An enemy can be someone you don't like...maybe because they were mean to you, did not invite you somewhere, called you a name other than your name, lied to you, wouldn't let you play with them, etc. 

Here is the link to the book:  https://www.storylineonline.net/books/enemy-pie/

In this story, Jeremy Ross was the enemy.  He laughed at me when he struck me out in the baseball game and did not invite the boy to his trampoline party.  The boy's dad told him to spend the whole day with his enemy and be nice to him.  The boy's dad made a pie for his enemy so at the end of the day, Jeremy ate dinner with the boy and his father.  The boy did not know what enemy pie did to enemies. But, after spending the whole day with Jeremy Ross, he was no longer the boys enemy.  When the dad served up enemy pie to the boys, the boy tried to stop Jeremy from eating the bad pie.  Then after seeing his dad and Jeremy eating the pie and nothing happening, he realized it was just plain old pie!  The boy learned to be friends with his enemy after spending the whole day with him and being nice!  

Golden Rule:  Treat others the way you want to be treated...just be nice no matter what!

Other problem solving strategies:

  • talk it out (tell them what you do not like and ask them to PLEASE STOP)
  • take a break (balloon breathing, listen to music, play a game, read a book, put a puzzle together, color, paint, etc.)
  • ignore (don't look, don't talk, and don't listen)
  • walk away (find someone else to play with, something else to do or play  by yourself)
  • apologize (say I'm sorry even if it is an accident)
  •  take turns or share
Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor