Welcome November!
This week we are reading Don't Squeal Unless It's A Big Deal by Jeanie Franz Ransom. We are continuing our lesson on being a problem-solver.
Here is the link to the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvRPAkxShY0
Remember- we can handle small problems on our own by:
- talking it out
- walking away
- ignoring
- taking a break
- sharing/taking turns
- apologizing...even if it is an accident
- being kind
Remember-a BIG problems need an adult, for example:
- you or someone else is getting hurt
- you or someone else is being threatened
- a pet or animal is being hurt
- someone is damaging something that doesn't belong to them
***then you get help from a grown-up (someone you know and trust)
Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor