Tuesday, November 30, 2021

December 2021 Newsletter


This month we are continuing to learn how to problem solve.  I am reading the book Enemy Pie by Derek Munson.  Do you know what an enemy is?  An enemy can be someone you don't like...maybe because they were mean to you, did not invite you somewhere, called you a name other than your name, lied to you, wouldn't let you play with them, etc. 

Here is the link to the book:  https://www.storylineonline.net/books/enemy-pie/

In this story, Jeremy Ross was the enemy.  He laughed at me when he struck me out in the baseball game and did not invite the boy to his trampoline party.  The boy's dad told him to spend the whole day with his enemy and be nice to him.  The boy's dad made a pie for his enemy so at the end of the day, Jeremy ate dinner with the boy and his father.  The boy did not know what enemy pie did to enemies. But, after spending the whole day with Jeremy Ross, he was no longer the boys enemy.  When the dad served up enemy pie to the boys, the boy tried to stop Jeremy from eating the bad pie.  Then after seeing his dad and Jeremy eating the pie and nothing happening, he realized it was just plain old pie!  The boy learned to be friends with his enemy after spending the whole day with him and being nice!  

Golden Rule:  Treat others the way you want to be treated...just be nice no matter what!

Other problem solving strategies:

  • talk it out (tell them what you do not like and ask them to PLEASE STOP)
  • take a break (balloon breathing, listen to music, play a game, read a book, put a puzzle together, color, paint, etc.)
  • ignore (don't look, don't talk, and don't listen)
  • walk away (find someone else to play with, something else to do or play  by yourself)
  • apologize (say I'm sorry even if it is an accident)
  •  take turns or share
Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Monday, October 4, 2021

October 2021 Problem Solving

 Welcome Back!  

I am reading The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neil.  In this story, the recess queen (Mean Jean) is super bossy at recess.  She will not let anyone play until she tells them what to do.  She will hurt the kids at recess by hitting, kicking, punching and knock kids down.  She does not say she is sorry or try to help them up.  She does it on purpose!  She has no one to play with or talk to because everyone tries to stay away or fun from her.  Then a new kid, Katie Sue comes to school and plays at recess before Mean Jean can tell her what to do which makes Mean Jean angry.  So, Mean Jean is after Katie Sue to teach her a lesson but Katie Sue invites Mean Jean to jump rope with her.  Mean Jean is confused by Katie Sue and doesn't know how to respond to Katie Sue.  But, a girl encourages Mean Jean to play with Katie Sue and they become friends.  Now, Mean Jean is not mean because she has a friend.  Here is a link to the story:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mp3bKxYtnMM

Remember to always be kind and treat others the way you want to be treated.  Here are some ways to problem solve like Katie Sue:

For small problems:

  • walk away
  • ignore
  • take turns or share
  • communicate by talking it out/asking 2 times to please stop
  • take a break
  • apologize
For BIG problems like:
  • someone being threatened (Bullying)
  • someone being hurt (Fighting)
  • any emergency (kidnapping)

Parents/Guardians:  Please fill out the PRES Counseling and Guidance Survey.  Here is the link: https://forms.gle/wkbBCfxsYkzsKqsy7

Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor
334-420-5310 Ext. 206

International Dot Day-September 15

 Happy Dot Day!

I am reading The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.  This story is about perseverance and encouraging others to do their best.  Here is the link to the book:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clpw7PG7m1Q

This story is about a little girl named Vashti who thought she wasn't very good at art.  In art class, she sat there the whole time without trying.  When art class was over, her teacher noticed that she had nothing on her paper.  So, she tried to make Vashti feel better by saying she saw something on her paper that wasn't really there.  But, that made Vashti angry.  Her teacher encouraged her to draw something but instead she gave the paper a strong, hard jab.  Next, the teacher asked Vashti to sign her name.  Then the teacher put the dot paper in a gold frame and when Vashti saw it the next time in art she was inspired to do a better dot.  Vashti continued to make dots on many pieces of paper.  All the papers were put in an art show where a little boy saw them and thought they were all great.  When he saw Vashti, he thought she was an artist.  The boy told Vashti he wished he could draw like her and then she encouraged the boy to draw a straight line.

After reading, the story the learners draw a picture where I encourage them to do their best and to keep trying (persevere).


Shelia Daniel, PRES Counselor


334-420-5310 Ext. 206

Monday, September 27, 2021

September 2021

 Happy September!

This week we will focus on following directions.  For our lesson this week, I will read Miss Nelson is Missing by Harry Allard.  Here is  a link to the story:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nr3mQndvrZg

In this story, Miss Nelson's learners were not following directions and Miss Nelson was so frustrated and sad that she decided not to come to school.  The learners were talking to each other, laughing and giggling, copying each other, waving their hands and feet in the air and refusing to do their school work. So, when Miss Nelson decided not to come to school a new teacher came named Ms. Viola Swamp and she was really mean!  Ms. Swamp gave them lots of work to do at school and home.  The learners decided to go look for Miss Nelson but could not find her.  When Miss Nelson decided to come back to school the learners were very excited and ready to follow directions!  They sat with still bodies, legs criss-cross apple sauce, hands in their laps, mouth closed, eyes looking and ears listening.  They would be respectful to each other by raising their hand when they wanted to say something.  Now, Miss Nelson was able to do her job and teach and that made her very happy!  By the end of the story, we learned that Miss Nelson had dressed up and pretended to be Ms. Viola Swamp so she could teach her learners a lesson about being respectful and the importance of following directions.  

I hope you enjoyed the story and learned a valuable lesson!


Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Monday, September 13, 2021

August 2021 Counseling Newsletter

 My name is Mrs. Daniel and I am the school counselor at Pike Road Elementary School!  I am excited about seeing you all again this year!  Please fill out the Counseling an Guidance Survey using this link:   https://forms.gle/saNhu8V4onz9nEP6A

Our August lesson is about the role of a school counselor.  I will use Mrs. Potato Head to introduce the lesson.

Mrs. Potato Head and the school counselor have a lot of things in common.  

  • The school counselor uses her eyes like Mrs. Potato Head to look out for you.  One of my jobs is to make sure you are safe.  So, I am always looking out for you!
  • The school counselor uses her ears to listen to you!  I listen to your stories, problems and secrets.  I can keep a lot of secrets but there are only 3 secrets I can not keep.

                   The 3 secrets I can not keep are:

           1.) If you tell me you are going to hurt yourself

          2.) If you tell me some else is going to hurt you or is hurting                      you

          3.) If You tell me you are going to hurt someone or are                          hurting someone else

  • The school counselor uses her mouth like Mrs. Potato Head to talk to you about your stories, problems and secrets.  The school counselor provides problem solving strategies, when applicable.
  • The school counselor used her hands and arms like Mrs. Potato Head to show you she cares about you.  The school counselor might give you a high five, fist bump, wave, thumbs up, etc. to show you she cares about you!
  • The school counselor uses her feet like Mrs. Potato Head to walk to you.  If you need to see the school counselor, please tell your Lead Learner.  The Lead Learner will send the school counselor an email to let her know where you are so she can come get you as soon as possible.  Do you have to share your story, problem or secret with your Lead Learner?  No!  Just tell your Lead Learner that it is important that you see the school counselor.  
  • The school counselor has many important resources like Mrs. Potato Head does in her purse.  The school counselor has resources for the learners, lead learners, parent(s)/guardian(s) and those in our community.  So, if you need help in any way, please let the school counselor know.
I am looking forward to meeting you and getting to know each of you this year at PRES!

I have an intern, Mrs, Hudson from Troy University.  

Welcome! My name is Molly-Kate Hudson and I am the Pike Road Elementary School Counseling Intern this fall. This is my 2nd year at Pike Road Schools. My first year was spent at Pike Road High School assisting the School Counselor as an Intern. This year, I have the privilege to be at the elementary school as well as the Intervention teacher at Pike Road High School. 

I am originally from Troy, Alabama and recently moved to Pike Road. I am newly married to my husband, Chandler Hudson. We are happy to be a part of the Pike Road family!

I look forward to working and learning from Mrs. Daniels this year.  I hope to be able to get to know each of you and help any way I can.  Please know that I am here to make you the best person you can be! Let’s have an awesome school year.

Many Thanks,


Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor

Monday, March 1, 2021

March Career Exploration 2021

 Hello PRES Friends!

This month we are focusing on career exploration!  A career is a job. We will be looking at what your interests are.  Then we will explore different jobs that include your interests.  You will be able learn about career choices that interests you and more!!!  Here is the link:  https://www.vaview.net/k5/check-it/kids-search/

When you click on the link it will redirect you but never the less once on the site, if you click on interests then you will choose what you like to do.  Choose as many as you like.  Next, it will give your many choices of jobs.  Select one at a time and explore!  There are 4 tabs at the top to find out more about each career choice you choose.

We will be reading about Career Day in Poppie, Pre-K, C1 and C2.  We will read the book, Career Day.  Here is the link for the read aloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soKRa6D90WQ

I would like to ask you, as a parent/ guardian, if you would send in about a 5 minute video of you at your place of employment (if you can) or at home giving a brief description of what you do at your job.  If you drive a vehicle (fire truck, delivery truck, mail truck, police car, etc.) to include that in your video telling us and showing us as much as you can about that vehicle, too.  The more you can show, the better!  Since parents/community members cannot visit this year due to COVID restrictions, we have had to become very creative this year.  

Please send your video to: shelia.daniel@pikeroadschools.org

Thank you for being you and your support!

Shelia Daniel, PRES  Counselor


334-420-5310 EXT. 206

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

February 2021 Diversity

 Hello Everyone!

This month we are learning about diversity.  Diversity is what makes us different from each other.  Can you think of ways that we are different from each other?  Hair, skin, eyes, clothes, homes, personalities, families, skills and abilities, etc...  Diversity is what makes us all special (unique)!

I am going to read the book The Colors of Us by Karen Katz.  Here is the link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O58brpCvmRs

In this story, a little girl named Lena takes a walk through her community and she compares everyone she meets to a shade of brown.  Lena compares the shade of brown to something she likes.  Her mother is teaching her how to mix paint colors to make different shades.  At the end of the story, Lena is able to paint pictures of all the people she met using different shades of brown by mixing red, yellow, black and white.

We are all different but being different makes us special (unique)! 

***I have a special request...I would like to prepare a career day video using our parents.  If you are willing, I would love for you to create a 5 minute video of you (parent) at your place of employment (job).  In the video, please tell your job title and give a description of what you do.  If you can video what you do that would be great!  Then send your video to me by February 19th, 2021. I will use this for our career exploration lesson coming up in March. 

Mrs. Daniel, PRES Counselor


334-420-5310 Ext.206